Experiencing challenges in cutting tissue blocks? Unsure whether it is related to the blade, microtome, or possibly an issue with the block? 

Here are 6 simple adjustments that can help with common microtomy headaches, such as thick and thin sections, excess chatter and venetian blinds, or compression of tissue. 

1. Adjust blade or clearance angle on the microtome. 
Making these slight adjustments can help to resolve chatter, venetian blinds, or even folding of tissue sections. 

2. Move or change the blade, and check that it is tightened in the blade holder. 
If you are noticing folding, compression of tissue sections, knife lines, or tearing of tissue, it may be time to move the blade to an unused section or change the blade. These issues could be caused from a dull or nicked blade. 

3. Adjust sectioning speed. 
Cutting at slow speeds can cause thick sections, while cutting too fast can cause chatter or holes. Adjust to a moderate speed and keep cutting speed consistent. 

4. Change microns. 
Sections may be cutting too thick due to the nature of the tissue. Try adjusting down one micron for a thinner section. If a section appears to be cutting too thin, adjust up one micron for a thicker section.  

5. Cool the block on the ice tray.
Sometimes the block can get too warm after facing. Placing the block on the ice tray again can help with compression or folding of tissue sections. 

6. Adjust water bath temperature. 
Turning the temperature up a degree or two can help compression of tissue, and also aid in reducing wrinkles. If ribbons are dissolving too quickly, try turning the water bath down one or two degrees. 

The blade is a tool… but the cutting is all about you.


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Blade Assessment

We tested all our blades to see how they compare so you can find the best blade for you. 

Tissue  OptiCut  PolyCut Plus  StatCut  TruCut 
Skeletal Muscle  X X X X
Spleen  X X X X
Placenta  X X X X
Normal Breast  X


Breast Reduction  X X X X
Cerebral Cortex  X X X X
Uterus  X X X X
Lymph Node  X X X X
Colon Cancer  X X X X
Kidney  X X X X
Lung Cancer  X X X X
Soft/Fatty Tissue   X X


Small tissues in biopsy molds  X X X


Frozen Sections*  XX


X Not Optimal



ParaPro™ SEM (soft paraffin) 

ParaPro™LMP (medium/hard paraffin)  X X X X
ParaPro™XLT (medium/hard paraffin)  X X X X
ParaPro™BLU (medium paraffin)  X X X X

*Blades tested on frozen sections containing cartilage, muscle, and fatty tissue